Application Deadline: April 15, 2022

The AAFSW Merit Scholarship for College Students
Current college freshmen, sophomores or juniors continuing college in Fall 2022 are eligible for this scholarship. The application form is on the AAFSW website here. Two scholarships are available for $2,500 each.

If you prefer the Word version of the application form, contact

The AAFS W “Twice Exceptional” Merit Scholarship for High School Seniors, Gap Year, and College Students
Current high school seniors, gap year, college freshmen, and college sophomores with a current IEP, a 504, or equivalent program are eligible for this scholarship. 

In 2018 AAFSW introduced the “Twice Exceptional” Merit Scholarship for AAFSW member students with special needs. This scholarship is designed to reward Academic Excellence for high school seniors and/or college students who have shown resilience and have academically overcome adversity due to special needs. The AAFSW Merit Scholarship is meant for high school seniors and/or college students who already have an Individualized Education Program (IEP). a 504, or an equivalent program in place. In 2020, AAFSW plans to grant two “Twice Exceptional” Merit Scholarships to students whose families are current AAFSW members. Each “Twice Exceptional” Merit Scholarship carries a $2,500 monetary award. The application is on the AAFSW here

If you prefer the Word version of the application form, contact

Please note: “Twice-Exceptional” Merit Scholarship winners may request anonymity if they wish.

The AAFSW Judy Felt Memorial Volunteerism Scholarship
This scholarship is open to all students applying for the AAFSW Merit Scholarship for College Students and the AAFSW Twice-Exceptional Merit Scholarship. One scholarship is available for $1,000. Students who submit an application for the AAFSW Merit Scholarship or the Twice Exceptional Scholarship are automatically considered for the Judy Felt Scholarship. (Note: You must apply for a merit scholarship in order to be eligible for the Judy Felt Memorial Volunteerism Scholarship.)

The AAFSW Best Essay Scholarship
One scholarship is available for $1,000.
All applicants are considered for the Best Essay Scholarship. (Note: You must apply for a merit scholarship in order to be eligible for the Best Essay Scholarship.)

All applicants must be a family member of a current AAFSW member. To join AAFSW, visit   Application and supporting materials are due by April 15, 2022. 

If you have any questions, contact or 703-820-5420.